Sports Media News / Eccomerce Website

Project Overview

Vendetta Sports Media is a news sports blog website. This website was a redesign of my client old website. This full redesign includes blog, single blog, career, sponsorships, team, support, full ecccommerce and more pages!

Proccess Book

Please contact me if you want to see full process view of this site; Including design research, typography, color, UI kit, and more.

Team, Careers & Sponsorships

Users can apply for any job type, locations or category through the career page. Any organization or person can sign up to be an awesome sponsor for Vendetta Sports Media.

Full Eccommerce Store

Full eccommece design pages including shop, single product page, cart, checkout, account and more!

Support & Contact

Users can get help through the support page or contact Vendetta Sports media team through contact page.

Contact Me

Interested to know what more I can offer?  Check out my work!